2014. július 20., vasárnap

Interface Design by Patrik Molnar

Interface Design by Patrik Molnar

Question: Instagram, Flickr, and Tumblr,  which application contains the best user interface design? Please use the information that you learn from the class to write a review of these apps.
Users : People 18 - 30 years old. These users have a basic technological knowledge. 


Instagram has just released version 6.0.0 a month ago which now contains a lot of new features and improvements. They added a lot of new tools what makes the app more like a for-real photo editor not just a "for fun" program. The new UI design is flat, clean, minimalistic, really easy to use and find where you are. They are using icons for each page, it makes easier for to user to remember. Easy to navigate between pages, just a tap to go back. The app is more stable than it was before, errors are less, sometimes the app exits but not as much as before. 

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